наливной пол bergauf easy boden 25 кг

Наливной пол Bergauf Easy Boden 25 кг

Наливной пол Bergauf Easy Boden 25 кг


**СКАЧАТЬ ИНСТРУКЦИЮ** [![Everything Is AWESOME](https://cdn.leroymerlin.ru/lmru/image/upload/site/rsmRSXb. YmUKS6M9lw. SdQaA/manual.png)](https://cdn.leroymerlin.ru/lmru/image/upload/v 1642494566/lmcode/j 5P4QSNr 50a 0ZJ6hvNCjzA/13706811_ins.pdf 'Скачать инструкцию')Easy Boden Bergauf самонивелирующийся наливной пол для людей с любым уровнем подготовки изготовлен в соответствии с ГОСТ 31358. Наливной пол разработан для ручного и машинного выравнивания бетонных полов, цементных стяжек и устранения перепадов (от 6 до 80 мм) под последующую укладку всех видов напольных покрытий внутри помещений.**Важные характеристики:**+ Слой от 6 до 80 мм за одно нанесение+ Пол обладает высокой трещиностойкостью, а так же имеет отличную растекаемость+ Используется для ручного или механизированного нанесения+ Применяется при укладке Системы “Теплый пол"+ Расход сухой смеси на 1 кв. м при слое 10 мм составляет 14-16 кг+ Приготовленную смесь Bergauf Easy Boden нужно использовать в течение 30 минут+ После устройства наливного пола к дальнейшим работам можно приступить:\- укладка керамической плитки через 3 суток;\- укладка рулонных покрытий через 7 суток;\- укладка паркета через 14 суток;\- максимальную температуру «теплых полов» можно включить только через 28 суток

428 Руб.

Наливной пол Bergauf Boden Turbo 20 кг

Наливной пол Bergauf Boden Turbo 20 кг


**СКАЧАТЬ ИНСТРУКЦИЮ** [![Everything Is AWESOME](https://cdn.leroymerlin.ru/lmru/image/upload/site/rsmRSXb. YmUKS6M9lw. SdQaA/manual.png)](https://cdn.leroymerlin.ru/lmru/image/upload/v 1642494568/lmcode/Gn. LmwgfqIUOcfLVOkMQnOA/81946373_ins.pdf 'Скачать инструкцию')**Наливной пол Bergauf Boden Turbo** — самовыравнивающийся состав для заливки и выравнивания пола. Изготовлен на основе песка, полимерных и минеральных добавок и вяжущего компонента. Смесь подходит для помещений с нормальной и повышенной влажностью (санузел, кухня). Состав совместим с системами «теплый пол». Укладывается слоем толщиной 5-80 мм, при частичном выравнивании — до 90 мм. Температура основания при проведении работ должна быть в пределах от +5 до +25 °С. Заливка возможна как ручным, так и механизированным способом.### Особенности состава- Смесь быстро твердеет — технологический проход возможен уже через 3-4 часа- Время полного набора прочности — 28 дней- Расход сухой смеси на 1 м^2^ при толщине слоя 10 мм — 14-16 кг

354 Руб.

Штукатурка гипсовая Bergauf Easy Band 5 кг

Штукатурка гипсовая Bergauf Easy Band 5 кг


Штукатурка Bergauf Easy Band 5 кг — штукатурка гипсовая, универсальная не требующая шпаклевания, трещиностойкая, имеет низкий расход сухой смеси. Используется для выравнивания стен и потолков в помещениях с нормальной влажностью. Подходит для таких оснований, как кирпич, бетон, железобетон, ячеистый бетон, газобетон, штукатурка, гипсокартон. Наносится под обои, шпаклевку и фактурную краску.**Особенности:**- Расход сухой смеси на 1 кв. м при слое 10 мм составляет 8-9 кг- Толщина нанесения – от 5 до 50 мм- Готовую смесь необходимо использовать в течении 30 мин- Проведение работ при температуре основания - +5 °С до +25 °С- Отличается высокой пластичностью, низким расходом, трещиностойкая- Ручной способ нанесения

208 Руб.

Штукатурка цементная Bergauf Easy Master 5 кг

Штукатурка цементная Bergauf Easy Master 5 кг


**Штукатурка Bergauf «Easy Master»** — ремонтный состав, который используется для восстановления целостности поверхностей. Устраняет выбоины, трещины и сколы, что позволяет в дальнейшем проводить отделочные работы. Подходит для обработки бетонных, кирпичных оснований, цементной и цементно-известковой штукатурки.### Особенности- может эксплуатироваться в условиях с высокой влажностью- температура основания во время работы не должна быть меньше 5°С и более 30°С- толщина слоя варьируется от 5 до 30 мм- следующий этап работ можно проводить уже через 3 часа с момента нанесения- вес товарной упаковки — 5 кг

248 Руб.

Софтбокс Aputure Easy Box + II (EZ Box + II) (Уцененный кат.А)

Софтбокс Aputure Easy Box + II (EZ Box + II) (Уцененный кат.А)


Внимание! Категория уценки A означает: полная комплектация без следов эксплуатации, но повреждена упаковка и/или пломба, либо незначительные недостатки. На товар распространяется полная гарантия сроком 6 месяцев. Детали уточняйте у менеджера после оформления заказа Софтбокс Easy Box + II от Aputure является улучшенным решением предыдущей модели - Easy Box. Новая версия получила положительные изменения в соответствии с запросами профессионалов, использующих насадку от Aputure. Ez Box разрабатывался специально для моделей светодиодных панелей серий HR672 и AL-528. Создатели смогли найти идеальное соотношение яркости и рассеивания света. Софтбокс увеличивает в 1,5 раза площадь рассеивания, уменьшает контрастность теней и обеспечивает приятный мягкий свет Компактная конструкция устанавливается на источник света в течение минуты и не блокирует вентиляционные отверстия При помощи сотовой решетки 35°, поставляемой в комплекте, вы сможете скорректировать световой поток и контрастность кадра, выделив главное

4990 Руб.

For iPhone 13 Pro Max / 14 Plus Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 13 Pro Max / 14 Plus Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 14 / 13 / 13 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 14 / 13 / 13 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 14 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 14 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 14 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 14 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 12 / 12 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 12 / 12 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 12 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 12 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 11 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 11 Pro Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 11 / XR Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 11 / XR Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone 11 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone 11 Pro Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone  X / XS Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone X / XS Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

For iPhone XS Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film

For iPhone XS Max Easy Install 28 Degree Privacy Armor Tempered Glass Film


1. Not only prevent peeping, but also no longer dizzy 2. Physical optical light transmission technology, greatly enhance the screen definition 3.28 degrees anti-peep, the smaller the angle, the more difficult the process 4. Redefine privacy protection, even sitting side by side can’t see 5. Full coverage of the original machine screen, restore the bare metal experience 6. Silky feel, smoother game operation 7. Strong anti-fingerprint farewell to greasy 8. Full screen cover without blocking the screen, accurately fit the entire screen 9. Toughened glass, easy to deal with sharp scratches. Installation Notes:1. Please use alcohol swabs and microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen before installation.2. Peel off the protective layer on the adhesive side.3. Carefully align the glass film with the screen.4. Press the center of the glass film, the adhesive part will spread out smoothly. Reminder:1. As this is a glass product, please note that the edge of the glass is a fragile area.2. When disassembled and reused, the sticking performance may be reduced, and it can no longer stick to the device. Therefore, it is recommended not to reuse the protective film.3. Excessive force when installing or removing the screen protector may damage the product

2 Руб.

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